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A member registered May 16, 2018

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(3 edits)

you are in the clear its gone by what I can tell the file is clean

(4 edits)

The malware we are dealing with here is most likely doing a thing called Cryptojacking it isn't necessarily harmful what it does is it overclocks your cpu and mines for crypto currency such as bitcoin it spreads through emails .exe files etc if your computer is infected it will heat up a lot more the battery will drain quicker things will load slower and programs will crash more

(2 edits)

Most likely Its probably the most safe option I would also advise you to ask people to do a quick scan using windows defender or any other anti virus software on there computer to make sure it hasn't spread to any other files

(9 edits)

the game has trojan code embeded

32 different anti virus/malware software's picked up trojan code

Looking into the code it downloads and runs a portable executable that is not the game itself which is very shady

it also has direct cpu access which means it can overclock your cpu easily which can fry the cpu

no normal program should do these things

Tsun your pc is probably infected this trojan seems to bury itself into whatever it can so it probably embeded itself into the games code I hope this issue can be fixed in the future

Hello i just like to say i really enjoyed your game keep up the great work i also made some fan art in minecraft i hope you enjoy.

This game is beautiful the message the art the music thank you for such a wonderful game i really loved the ending thanks for showing the world some of the problems some people go through i,m sure loads of people are happy that you made this game thank you for blessing the earth with this game and its wonderful message :)